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Virtual Attorney Services Power Your Success

How Virtual Attorney Services Power Your Success It doesn't matter whether you work in a small partnership or fly solo. Or work from home or in a shared office.  The fact is, your practice can benefit from having immediate access to professional support. One positive outcome of the pandemic was to help make certain virtual ... Read more

Five Tools Lawyers Need in 2022

What’s On Your Desk? Five Tools Lawyers Need in 2022 Many professionals are working differently since the pandemic began in 2020. Some retreated to make-shift home offices, never to be seen again. Others worked from home temporarily and have been returning to their offices since late 2021. By now, most have settled permanently wherever they ... Read more

Attorney Survey Results Infographic

Attorney Survey Results April 20, 2022.  We created the Attorney Survey Results infographic, below, to celebrate Law Day 2022. Held annually on May 1st, Law Day is a national day set aside to celebrate the legal profession. Law Day provides an opportunity to understand how law and the legal process benefit all Americans. They work … Read more

How Attorneys Handle Incoming Calls

The Phone’s Ringing! (Should We Answer It?) This is part two in a series about marketing your law firm. It’s based on a recent attorney survey conducted by CallRail. In this post we share insights about how attorneys handle incoming calls from prospects and clients. Clients Prefer the Phone When clients contact law firms, almost … Read more

Marketing Your Law Firm to Generate Leads

How Attorneys Generate Leads This is part one in a series about marketing your law firm. Our first post addresses how attorneys generate new leads. It’s common practice for attorneys to refer clients to other attorneys. One example is when a client case requires a particular field of specialization. Another is when an attorney is … Read more

Non-billable Administrative Tasks Waste Time

Majority of Attorneys Say Becoming More Efficient is Key to Success There is no disputing the fact that lawyers do too many non-billable administrative tasks and not enough profitable work. The only dispute lies in which survey to believe. In terms of non-billable time, the numbers range from 28% to 48%, based on recent surveys … Read more

Inspiration for Attorneys in 2022

There’s plenty of inspiration for attorneys this year Attorneys are looking for inspiration in 2022. For ways to make this year better than the last. To be more productive, work fewer clerical hours and more billable hours, and just be better at what we do. Read the following inspirations and enjoy a better new year! … Read more

Certified Paralegals On Demand, Not on Payroll

Certified Paralegals Enhance Your Practice and Improve Your Productivity Working as an attorney can be very challenging. There are times when your case load demands the full range of law office support. And other times when all that support isn’t necessary. That’s why it makes sense to hire certified paralegals on an as-needed basis, rather … Read more

Why Attorneys Need Live Receptionist Services

Live receptionist services make sense for so many reasons, whether you’re a solo attorney, a small law office, or an enterprise law firm. The Do It Yourself Trap It’s a well-known fact that many attorneys, especially in solo and small firms, try to do a lot of non-attorney tasks themselves, thinking it will save time … Read more

Four Skills a Good Attorney Needs

Good attorneys possess certain skills that make them better lawyers. Some of these skills can be learned, and some can be developed over time, while others seem to be coded into a good attorney’s DNA. These skills are valued by clients, appreciated by judges and juries, and perhaps envied by peers. Let’s briefly examine four … Read more