Mail Services
A Complete Menu of Mail Services for Your Convenience
Mail services can be time-consuming and laborious. As a result, most enterprise law firms have central mailrooms and staff to sort, distribute, and collect mail. However, solo practitioners and small law firms often have to perform these tasks personally. Especially if they’re just starting out.
But what if you could enjoy the same mail services as your larger counterparts?
We help you focus on what’s important
As a Legal Edge Services client, you can. And that’s a big advantage. Because when you don’t have to handle your own incoming and outgoing mail, you can get more important things done.
Such as ramping up business development efforts. Making sure that every client has a great experience with you. And building your referral network.
How it works
Every Legal Edge Services location includes a private, secure mailroom for our clients. Private boxes are available in a variety of sizes. Each box has its own key. And you’ll have a professional suite number in a prestigious office building to print on your business cards, letterhead, return envelopes, address stamps, and similar tools and materials. It’s a clever, seamless way to further enhance your professional image.
If you currently use a P. O. Box at the local post office, using one of our mailboxes instead will give you a suite number in a Class A office building. And if you office at home, our mail services enable you to maintain the security and privacy of your home address.
Request a Quote for Mail Services
We provide these services and more
- Receiving and sorting incoming mail each day
- Opening and date stamping, if specified
- Making copies, if specified
- Placing incoming mail in your private onsite mailbox
- Placing incoming boxes and packages in a secure area, or delivering them to your office, if requested
- Accepting and signing for legal and business documents on your behalf, if we are acting as your Florida registered agent
- Collecting outgoing mail each day
- Presorting and adding postage, if specified
- Processing overnight, second day, and other priority mail
Request a Quote for Mail Services
To learn more about our solutions and how they can help your legal practice, or to request an office tour, call us at 305.728.5300 or email us at