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Five Tools Lawyers Need in 2022

Legal Edge Services

What’s On Your Desk? Five Tools Lawyers Need in 2022

Many professionals are working differently since the pandemic began in 2020. Some retreated to make-shift home offices, never to be seen again. Others worked from home temporarily and have been returning to their offices since late 2021. By now, most have settled permanently wherever they plan to work, whether still at home, in public-facing offices, or a combination.

In any case, how attorneys work today has created needs in terms of tools and technologies to make you more efficient and effective. Below are five of the top tools we’ve identified as the most popular among attorneys here in South Florida. What’s on your desk?

Tool 1: Storage for Your Large Files

Large file storage has always been a challenge. However, the cloud has made it infinitely easier through its sheer capacity. Online storage solutions such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and MS OneDrive offer free options that provide safe storage as well as file sending and transfer options. At Legal Edge Services, we provide traditional file storage in lockable cabinets in our secure storage room as well as secure cloud options that give you a lot of bang for your buck. We can package, address, and securely mail documents and files for you as well as receive and process them. The choice is yours.

Tool 2: Virtual Receptionist Services

Virtual receptionist services have emerged as a necessity for attorneys who work from home for any portion of the week. Rather than letting your calls go to voicemail when you’re busy, a virtual receptionist answers your phone from a central location, and no caller is the wiser. She (or he) performs all the services you would expect of any professional receptionist, including taking clear messages in English or Spanish. At Legal Edge Services, we typically dedicate a receptionist to your account so they get to know your clients. But we always have other receptionists on the team to ensure that no call goes unanswered. Virtual receptionist services could be the most important of the five tools lawyers need in 2022.

Tool 3: Videoconferencing Solutions

Meeting tools enable you to conduct virtual meetings, interviews, depositions and more without leaving the comfort of your office. Whether your office is public-facing or at-home, cost-effective solutions are now available to meet a variety of needs. For example, Zoom allows multiple attendees to participate using their own individual computers from any location. When you need to get multiple attendees together in one place, with perhaps another group in a different location, traditional videoconferencing is a perfect solution. At Legal Edge Services, we offer both traditional videoconferencing and Zoom for your convenience.

Tool 4: Business Quality Phone Service

Reliable, business-quality phone service is a must under any circumstances. Voice over IP service is generally a little less expensive and relies on high-speed Internet service for good quality. Landlines are reliable for call quality, consistency, and fewer dropped calls. Either way, an attorney in South Florida needs a dedicated phone number and voice mailbox, bilingual options for voice menus and greetings, and access to a professional receptionist service.  At Legal Edge Services, we offer landline service and VoIP at your preference.

Tool 5: Legal Research Aids

Legal research tools come in manual and digital options to suit virtually every need. Westlaw provides subscription access to a proprietary database of case law, statutes, and secondary sources from highly respected Thomson Reuters. PACER service provides Public Access to Court Electronic Records filed at all federal courts. There is the contract and clause search database from Law Insider, and the Practical Law database popular among law firms. But if you prefer to have expert third parties conduct your legal research, the certified paralegals at Legal Edge Services can take care of it for you. Because our company is one of the five tools lawyers need in South Florida in 2022!


The solutions we’ve described above, and many others, can be procured directly for use in your office or accessed through expert third parties who provide comprehensive legal support services. To explore these options further, contact your professionals at Legal Edge Services.

This infographic shares results from attorney surveys

Attorney Survey Results Infographic

Virtual Attorney Services Power Your Success

Virtual attorney services are provided by certified paralegals and certified court reporters at Legal Edge Services