Attorney Work Trends 2022

Legal Edge Services

Attorney Work Trends Emerge from Pandemic

As we continue to put the two-year pandemic in our rearview mirrors, trends have emerged among workers of all kinds, including lawyers. Clio has released its Legal Trends Report for 2022 and attorneys in South Florida and elsewhere may be interested in learning about some of the newest attorney work trends.

New Business Up by 10%

For starters, law offices experienced an average increase of 10% in new business from March 2021 to June 2022. Not surprisingly, the need for legal services has rebounded, much as the restaurant industry has come back. Certain services will always be with us, it seems, and thankfully so.

20% of Attorneys Changed Jobs

In the past 12 months, one in five lawyers (20%) changed jobs. More than one third of them (37%) indicated that achieving a better balance between their work life and their personal life was a factor in their decision to change jobs. Considering that 86% of lawyers say they work beyond a routine 9 to 5 workday, it’s not surprising.

Specifically, three-quarters of attorneys say they communicate with their clients after hours, and almost as many (69%) work on weekends. It’s interesting to note that the attorneys who do actually work regular office hours rated their mental and emotional wellness much higher than those who work outside regular hours (68% vs. 51% respectively).

Even Split on Workplace Preferences

In another attorney work trend, almost half of attorneys surveyed (49%) indicated a preference for working from home. This suggests that slightly more than half prefer to go into a law office. That’s probably because they can meet with clients in a professional setting, obtain administrative and legal support from onsite office staff, and enjoy the camaraderie that is nurtured in an active office environment.

Just three years ago, an attorney working from an office at home was a rare bird indeed. Today, the ability to do so is among the sweeping results of the pandemic.

Flexibility Enabled by Technology

Like many other professionals and non-professionals, attorneys may be looking for greater flexibility in where they are able to work, and when. Technologies that became more fully developed during the pandemic have enabled this flexibility, bringing some necessary support services to the remote worker and the office at home. Zoom online meetings and court acceptance of digital documentation and processes are just two of many examples. These technologies have also transformed how many large law offices conduct business.

Masters of Remote Legal Support Services

With more than 20 years of experience in the business, Legal Edge Services has mastered the art of delivering remote legal support services to attorneys wherever they work. Whether you labor in a large law firm, a solo office, an at-home office, or a combination of scenarios, we supply a robust array of virtual services to attorneys in all of those circumstances. And if you’re looking for a furnished law office to come to once a week, or a well-equipped conference room to meet with clients, or mediation breakout rooms, we’ve got those professional spaces for you as well. And they are always supported by certified paralegals and other dedicated inhouse staff.

You can find previous attorney work trends reported right here in our Blog for Attorneys.